Publicații științifice ale Universității – AgriScriptum / Scientific Publications of the University - AgriScriptum: Recent submissions

  • Bahrim, Cezar; García Breijo, Francisco José; Apostol, Maria; Asănică, Adrian-Constantin; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Munteanu, Neculai; Rotaru, Liliana; Draghia, Lucia (University of Bucharest, 2020-12-15)
    Three species of Eremurus M. Bieb. grown at UASVM Iasi, Romania, were studied: E. himalaicus Baker, E. robustus Regel and E. stenophyllus (BOISS. & BUHSE) Bak. Some ornamental (morphologic and phenologic) features were ...
  • Filote, Cătălina; Roșca, Mihaela; Hlihor, Raluca-Maria; Cozma, Petronela; Simion, Isabela-Maria; Apostol, Maria; Gavrilescu, Maria (MDPI, 2021-09-22)
    Persistent toxic substances including persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals have been released in high quantities in surface waters by industrial activities. Their presence in environmental compartments is causing ...
  • Zaldea, Gabi; Nechita, Ancuța; Damian, Doina; Ghiur, Andreea; Cotea, Valeriu V. (AcademicPres Cluj-Napoca, 2021-12-15)
    Unfavourable trends have been identified in the evolution of climate factors (temperatures, precipitation, etc.) over the past years, with a direct impact on the vegetative and productive potential of the vine. This calls ...
  • Daraban, Gabriel-Mihăiță; Zaharia, Carmen; Rusu, Lăcrămioara; Puitel, Adrian-Cătălin; Bădeanu, Marinela; Șuteu, Daniela (Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 2021-06-30)
    This paper describes the preparation of plant extracts using solid-liquid ultrasonic extraction (sonoextraction), the characterization of prepared extracts and their bioinsecticidal activity. The studied raw vegetal m ...
  • Stoleru, Vasile; Jacobsen, Sven-Erik; Vitănescu, Maricel; Jităreanu, Gerard; Butnariu, Monica; Munteanu, Neculai; Stan, Teodor; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Cojocaru, Alexandru; Mihalache, Gabriela (Elsevier Ltd., 2021-11-29)
    In the context of climate change, especially for the temperate continental climate, new potential crop species are emerging, originating from the tropics. One of them is quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with multiple ...
  • Ungureanu, Elena; Trofin, Alina-Elena; Trincă, Lucia-Carmen; Ariton, Adina-Mirela; Ungureanu, Ovidiu C.; Fortună, Maria-Emiliana; Jităreanu, Carmenica-Doina; Popa, Valentin I. (Editura Academiei Romane, 2021-06)
    In this study, the adsorption of Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions from aqueous solutions onto lignin obtained from unmodified Sarkanda grass was analyzed. To ensure optimal process conditions, the retention of lead and zinc ions was ...
  • Christofi, Stefania; Katsaros, George; Mallouchos, Athanasios; Cotea, Valeriu V.; Kallithraka, Stamatina (International Viticulture and Oenology Society, 2021-03-09)
    The aim of this work was to examine the potential of High Pressure (HP) technology as an alternative technique to SO2 addition for red wine preservation. It focused on producing wines with reduced added SO2 and the ...
  • Cotea, Valeriu V.; Focea, Mihai-Cristian; Luchian, Camelia-Elena; Colibaba, Lucia-Cintia; Scutarașu, Elena-Cristina; Niculaua, Marius; Zamfir, Cătălin-Ioan; Popîrdă, Andreea (MDPI, 2021-01-26)
    The occurrence of aroma constituents in sparkling wines, with direct impact on their organoleptic characteristics, is affected by several factors, for example the base-wine particularities, grapes cultivar conditions, ...
  • Cristea, Elena; Ghendov Moșanu, Aliona; Patraș, Antoanela; Socaciu, Carmen; Pintea, Adela; Tudor, Cristina; Sturza, Rodica (MDPI, 2021-06-22)
    Recent trends in the food industry combined with novel methods in agriculture could transform rowan into a valuable raw material with potential technological applications. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate ...
  • Dogaru, Bianca-Ioana; Stoleru, Vasile; Mihalache, Gabriela; Yonsel, Sems; Popescu, Maria-Cristina (MDPI, 2021-09-25)
    Increasing interest on sustainable agriculture has led to the development of new materials which can be used as seed coating agents. In this study, a new material was developed based on gelatin film reinforced with ...
  • Corduneanu, Flaviana; Țopa, Denis-Constantin; Balan, Isabela-Elena; Balan, Ioan; Boți, Ioan; Pricop, Claudiu; Crețu, Alina; Bucur, Daniel (NARDI FUNDULEA, ROMANIA, 2020-11)
    After 1980, drought became a cyclic phenomenon that has spread over subtropics and mid-latitudes ecosystems and society. Agriculture and domestic or industrial water supply are the fields that received the most severe ...
  • Corduneanu, Oana-Raluca; Stoleru, Vasile; Roșca, Radu; Cârlescu, Petru-Marian; Băetu, Marius; Țenu, Ioan ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, 2021)
    The degradation of agricultural ecosystems began with the application of intensive agriculture, which cannot be separated from the problems related to it. In this context, it is more important than ever to dismiss any ...
  • Mihăilă Borza, Mioara; Alecu, Ciprian-Ionel; Jităreanu, Andy-Felix (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The paper aims to show and explain the usefulness of tools used for the eco-food products promotion. The approach is done from two perspectives: efficiency and sustainability goals. By reconsidering the multiple dimensions ...
  • Grigore Sava, Andreea; Prigoreanu, Ioan; Costuleanu, Carmen-Luiza; Șargu, Lilia; Ignat, Gabriela (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    Sustainability reporting has emerged as a compulsory practice within the regulatory frameworks of both the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). This obligatory facet of corporate operations serves as a pivotal ...
  • Robu, Maria; Robu, Alexandru-Dragoș; Chiran, Aurel ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, 2021)
    This study is addressing topics related to sustainable consumption and aims to identify and rank the decisional factors involved in the process of purchasing local eco-friendly agri-food products and to analyse to what ...
  • Dumitraș, Constantin-Dragoș; Tudoran, Alexandru-Sorin; Ștefan, Gavril (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The progress of agriculture is strongly influenced by the shortage of labor and land resources, leading to the transformation of modern agriculture into a highly mechanized and automated form. It has been observed that ...
  • Burlică, Radu; Astanei, Dragoș; Crețu, Daniel-Eusebiu; Dîrlău, Iuliana-Delicia; Beniuga, Oana; Pădureanu, Silvica; Patraș, Antoanela ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania, 2021)
    Non-thermal plasma is an innovative, eco-friendly technology, being considered as an emerging technology in many research fields. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different parameters on the energy ...
  • Donosă, Dan; Viziteu, Ștefan; Boghiță, Eduard (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The relationship between politics and economic knowledge is highly debated. One general view states that economics should be lacking of politics because of its corrupting effects, while another view conversely argue that ...
  • Agop, Ștefana; Păun, Vladimir-Alexandru; Ștefan, Gavril; Petrescu, Tudor-Cristian; Agop, Maricel; Păun, Viorel-Puiu (Bucharest: Politehnica Press, 2021)
    In the Multifractal Theory of Motion, in the form of Schrödinger – type “regimes”, non – linear behaviors of a complex system are analysed. Then, in the non - stationary case, symmetries of SL(2R)-type for structural units ...
  • Clipa, Flavian; Ignat, Gabriela; Costuleanu, Carmen-Luiza; Clipa, Raluca-Irina (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The adoption in 2015 by the UN member states of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined a new paradigm at the national and international level, configuring the ...