The research studies on the occurrence of complex soil erosion phenomena in the hydrographic basin of the Valea Tata
stream, a right bank tributary of the Ialomita river, were carried out in the period 2017-2021 and aimed to quantify the
amount of soil that is lost annually from the surface of the analyzed watershed. The main objective of this study was to
calculate the rainfall erosivity factor (R) included in the Revised Universal Soil Erosion Equation (RUSLE) based on
the records made in the period 2017-2021 on the experimental field as well as the data recorded at the climate
monitoring stations in the proximity of the watershed for a period of 30 years for the calculation of soil loss from the
Valea Tata watershed depending on the rain aggressiveness. The average value obtained for the Moroeni climate
monitoring station was 289.54 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1 with a minimum value of 83.20 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1
and a
maximum value of 964.06 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1 while for Fieni climate monitoring station the values obtained were
between 60.99 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1
and 537.22 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1 with an average value of 193.38 MJ mm ha-1 h
. For the experimental field, where the rainfall data, rain intensity and duration of the erosive events were more
complex, the results obtained for the erosivity factor (R) has values between 149.50 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1 and 800.80
MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1 with an average value of 284.91 MJ mm ha-1 h
-1 year-1