dc.description.abstract |
The general cadastre is the unitary and mandatory system of technical, economic and legal records of all real estate
throughout the country, regardless of their destination and owner. The systematic registration of real estates in the
integrated cadastre and land register system is regulated by Law no. 7/1996 of the cadastre and real estate advertising,
with subsequent amendments and additions, and can take place at the level of administrative-territorial units or cadastral
sectors. The realization of the general cadastre started in 2007, at first as a pilot program, through the Ştefan Vodă pilot
project with financing from ANCPI and through the Project on Completing the Financial Support granted by the EU for
the Restructuring of Agriculture (CESAR). The National Cadastre and Land Registry Program 2015-2023 (PNCCF) has
as its general objective the free registration in the integrated cadastre and land registry system of all real estates
throughout the territory of Romania, with financing from ANCPI's own revenues, non-refundable external funds
(European Union) and through allocations (co-financing) from the budgets of administrative-territorial units. Currently,
out of the estimated 40,000,000 real estates, 20,359,544 real estates are registered in the integrated cadastre and land
register system, of which 5,381,335 real estates are registered through systematic cadastre. Through the material and
financial support of the town halls and the active participation of the owners, a faster rhythm of the systematic cadastre
can be ensured. |
en_US |