White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is an underutilized crop that started to become extremely interesting for bio and
conventional farmers due the high protein content of the seeds and, mainly, due the nitrogen fixation capacity.
Nowadays, challenging economic environment and changing climate conditions had led to a bust in fertilizers prices
worldwide. Identification and utilization in crop rotation systems of crop with nitrogen fixation capacity is an optimal
alternative. One of the biggest problem in the white lupin cultivation technology is caused by the special sensitivity of
this species at postemergence herbicide. This sensibility makes weed control a very difficult task for farmers. In this
paper we present results obtained in 2022 season at the Ezăreni Farm, Iasi, Romania. Principal yield components were
studied and compared among postemergence herbicide variants. Comparative studies were done using the cultivar
RUXANDRA, obtained and registered by us.