Lupinus albus (white lupin) is a crop well adapted to marginal lands and has a large potential for enhanced bio economy
use. In general, lupins have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, mobilise soil phosphate and are suitable for low
nutritional cultivation. Modern varieties should be selected for high yield of green silage or high yield of seeds which
contain more than 20% oil, more than 40% protein and the remaining materials are carbohydrates, mainly
oligosaccharides characterized as “prebiotics”. In this experiment, three new white lupin sorts were tested in
experimental fields. Breeding activities we compensated by optimized cultivation technology for these cultivars. One of
the biggest problem in the white lupin cultivation this year was caused by the extreme draught and high temperatures
registered during the vegetation period. Results present the observations obtained in 2022 season at the Ezăreni Farm.
Comparison of the selected cultivars was performed using two different density condition. Results indicated that white
lupins could be an interesting alternative for farmers and can contribute to new optimised crop rotation systems