Seria Horticultură / Series Horticulture: Recent submissions

  • Rotaru, Liliana; Colibaba, Lucia-Cintia; Cimpoi, Vlăduț-Ion (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The appearance of the phylloxera on the European continent has in time led to a radical change in the system of vine propagation and cultivation, namely the transition to grafted vine-growing and the use of ...
  • Rotaru, Liliana; Colibaba, Lucia-Cintia; Aelenei, Sergiu-Irinel (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Global warming, as an extreme climatic phenomenon, shows a strong influence on vine cultivation, leading to the reconsideration of the cultivated grape varieties. The extreme heat during grapes’ maturation ...
  • Pușcalău, Marioara; Bosoi, Ionica; Mihu, G. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The scientific research in the field of vine improvement, with a permanent role in the diversification the assortments of vine, is oriented both to the creation of new qualitative and productive genotypes, ...
  • Nechita, Ancuța; Zaldea, Gabi; Alexandru, Lulu-Cătălin; Filimon, Vasile-Răzvan; Filimon, Roxana-Mihaela; Damian, Doina (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The quantity and quality of the grape production depends on the biological potential of the varieties, the favorability of climatic conditions and the eye loads left to be cut. Achieving quality ...
  • Filimon, Roxana-Mihaela; Filimon, Vasile-Răzvan; Nechita, Ancuța; Zaldea, Gabi; Damian, Doina; Rotaru, Liliana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Use ofstatistical mathematical methods in the characterization of cultivarsand determination of theirdegree of similarity provides important information concerningcultivarsappurtenanceto different sortogroups, ...
  • Filimon, Vasile-Răzvan; Filimon, Roxana-Mihaela; Damian, Doina; Nechita, Ancuța; Zaldea, Gabi; Alexandru, Lulu-Cătălin; Băetu, Marius; Rotaru, Liliana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Since quality requirements for table grapes are closely relatedto their mechanical characteristics, the aim ofthis work was the assessment of berry resistance to detachment from the pedicel and its ...
  • Enache, Viorica; Donici, Alina; Tabaranu, G. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The development of vegetation and fructification phenophases in vine is determined by the cumulative action of daily average temperatures exceeding the value of 10ºC, a value that is considered a biological ...
  • Paraschiv, Luminița-Nicoleta; Volf, Mariana; Chelariu, Elena-Liliana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The use of fertilizers correctly involves analyzing and determining the factors that condition their effect. The doses, certain stress factors, the biological features of crops, pedo-climatic conditions, the level of ...
  • Cristea, Tina-Oana; Călin, Maria; Ambăruș, Silvica; Brezeanu, Creola; Brezeanu, Petre-Marian; Prisecaru, Maria (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    In Brassica species the obtaining of doubled haploid plants is a key tool for the production of commercial F1 hybrids. Among the many methods employed for this purpose, the culture of ...
  • Sestraș, Adriana; Titirica Ancu, I.; Dan, Cătălina; Andrecan, A.; Mitre, Viorel; Sestraș, Radu; Militaru, Mădălina (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    In order to identify potential genitors for pear breeding, 17 varieties of European and Asian origin were tested for productivity and their response to pear scab (Venturiapirina) and septoria (Septoriapyricola) ...
  • Manole, Svetlana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The genus Hemerocallis L. has longbeen attributed to the Liliaceae family, then to the Hemerocallidaceae family. Since 2009, on the basis of phylogenetic analyzes, it has beenattributed to the ...
  • Boiu Sicuia, Oana-Alina; Burlacu, Aglaia; Israel Roming, Florentina; Voaideș, Cătălina; Cornea, Călina-Petruța (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Silicon is the second abundant element on Earth. Commonly, it is found as silica and silicates, or in biology as mineral constituent of microorganisms, protozoa and plants. Although silicon it is not considered an essential ...
  • Sestraș, P.; Cetean, H.; Dan, Cătălina; Nas, S.; Spalevic , Velibor; Boscaiu, Monica; Cîmpeanu, Sorin-Mihai (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Periurban forests and urban green spaces provide an extremely useful ecological infrastructure for modern cities. The study of woody species diversity in Făget Forest, located near Cluj-Napoca city, in N-W of Romania, ...
  • Dincă, Lucian; Vasile, Diana; Dincă, Maria; Blaga, Tatiana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Rubus Genus, which encompasses 750 species spread out on almost all continents, has a significant importance, both from a botanical perspective, as well as an economical and medicinal one. The purpose of the ...
  • Prună, L.; Slonovschi, A. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    In Descriptive Geometry, it is noticed that when it comes about to the Methods of the Descriptive Geometry, the first theme that raises problems to the students is understandinghow to determine the true lengthof a ...
  • Chiruță, Ciprian; Gavăt, Cristian-Cătălin; Vasilescu, Leonard-Vasile; Earar, K.; Trofin, Alina-Elena; Trincă, Lucia-Carmen; Mărculescu, Afrodita-Doina (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The aim of this research was to exactly quantify the pure sodium metamizole content frompharmaceutical tablets, by using a spectro-photometric analysis method in visible range. The method applied has been subjected to a ...
  • Bodale, Ilie; Cazacu, Ana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The purpose of this paperis to studythe physical properties of the soil using a phenomenological model which should be able to describe the capillary hysteresis of water from pores of the medium-textured soil.The proposed ...
  • Bodale, Ilie; Oancea, Servilia; Cazacu, Ana (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The Rarau Massif is a mountain area exploited for tourism purposes since 1928, but recent climate change requires a reanalysis of the new weather conditions to propose a new economical capitalizing ...
  • Cazacu, Ana; Oancea, Servilia; Bodale, Ilie (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    This paper focuses on determining the concentration of blood plasma proteins for different domestic animals to highlight the link between diet and proteins content. Blood plasma from two categories of animals, ...
  • Cazacu, Ana; Spânu, Mihaela; Oancea, Servilia; Bodale, Ilie (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    n order to obtain information on the alteration of blood structure in the presence of heavy metals, mercury and lead, the modification of the absorption maxima of oxyhemoglobin was analyzed. Blood samples ...