The diversification of wine assortments with valuable varieties with
qualitative and productive potential, with better tolerance to diseases and stress
factors, is one of the main concerns of Romanian wine research. In this paper
are presented data on the agrobiological and technological potential of some
varieties for white wines created at R.D.S.V.O. Odobeşti (Şarba, Băbească gri,
Mioriţa and Vrancea), in the climatic conditions of the wine year 2019-2020. In
the Odobeşti vineyard the wine year 2019-2020 was characterized by a severely
deficient rainfall regime, having as effect the atmospheric drought followed by
the diminution of the water reserve in the soil and the gradual installation of the
pedological drought. The Şarba variety showed a more accentuated sensitivity
to the atmospheric and pedological drought, which generated a stagnation of
the sugar accumulation process in the grains. The grape production varied
between 5.19 kg/vine for the Mioriţa variety and 6.17 kg/vine for the Băbească
gri variety, values close to the productive potential of these varieties.
Qualitatively, the production was characterized by superior accumulations of
sugars between 188.5 g /l for the Mioriţa variety and 212.9 g/l for the Băbească
gri and Şarba varieties, with values of the total acidity of the must between 7.34
g/l acid tartaric to the Băbească gri variety and 5.17 g/l tartaric acid to the
Vrancea variety.