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  • Balan, Isabela-Elena; Corduneanu, Flaviana; Pricop, Claudiu; Bucur, Daniel; Crengăniș, Loredana; Cazan, Dragoș (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2018)
    The dam of Dracsani reservoir, located on Sitna river, is an earth dam with a maximum height of 5.35 m that provides a global retention to the canopy of 23.053 hm3 . Dracsani reservoir is one of the hydrotechnical ...
  • Iurea, Elena; Sîrbu, Sorina; Corneanu, Margareta; Ungureanu, I.V. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The aim of the paper is to present the valuable features of bitter cherry cultivars obtained at RSFG Iasi, that improve the cultivars’ assortment with different maturation ages of the fruits ...
  • Dan, Sorin-Daniel; Mihaiu, Marian; Reget, Oana; Duma, Mihaela; Tăbăran, Alexandra (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Wild game meat consumption is usually consumed in the families of hunters, without any professional postmortem inspection performed by an official veterinarian. Because of that, the hygienic quality of this type of meat ...
  • Mălăncuș, Răzvan-Nicolae (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The study was performed over a period of 2 months on 21 dogs suffering of mild to moderate anemia. They were divided in 3 study groups according to their treatment, consisting of 7 individuals each and were administered either ...
  • Căpșună, Sorin; Filipov, Feodor; Calistru, Anca-Elena; Jităreanu, Gerard (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2018)
    The purpose of this study is to establish the associated effect of ameliorative works and soil tillage on the field capacity and on water distribution of the main soil units represented by cambic (i), cambic-coluvic (ii) ...
  • Bantea Zagareanu, V. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    L’objet d’étude de la présente recherche est d’assurer la qualité et la durée de conservation de la marmelade d’agar-agar. Les résultats expérimentaux sont présentés concernant: la caractérisation ...
  • Prună, L.; Slonovschi, A. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    In Descriptive Geometry, it is noticed that when it comes about to the Methods of the Descriptive Geometry, the first theme that raises problems to the students is understandinghow to determine the true lengthof a ...
  • Negrea Pașcu, Roxana; Zlati, Cristina; Bernardis, Roberto-Renato (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Different ornamental characters, habitus, color, texture, given the adaptability of the various species to the site-specific environmental conditions, are the starting point for the choice ofspecies for landscaping. ...
  • Rotaru, Liliana; Colibaba, Lucia-Cintia; Cimpoi, Vlăduț-Ion (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The appearance of the phylloxera on the European continent has in time led to a radical change in the system of vine propagation and cultivation, namely the transition to grafted vine-growing and the use of ...
  • Dragancea, Veronica; Sturza, Rodica; Patraș, Antoanela (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Une électrode enzymatiquede type sérigraphie modifiée par la tyrosinasea étémis au point. Cette électrode a été optimisée pour fonctionner en mode FIA (Analyse par Injection en Flux). Le but de ce ...
  • Dragancea, Veronica; Sturza, Rodica; Patraș, Antoanela (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Une électrode enzymatique de type sérigraphie modifiée par la tyrosinase a été mis au point. Cette électrode a été optimisée pour fonctionner en mode FIA (Analyse par Injection en Flux). Le but de ce travail est ...
  • Perju, Ionel; Boboc, Cristina-Ionela; Ungureanu, I.V.; Tălmaciu, Nela; Sîrbu, Sorina; Iurea, Elena; Petrescu, Maria; Vasilescu, R. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The purpose of this paper is to follow Cydiapomonella's biological cycle with the help of pheromone traps in order to warn the treatments and to know the evolution of the pest in the NE area ...
  • Stan, Alexandra; Solcan, Carmen (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2018)
    The article is a minireview on the use of biomaterials in medicine. Biomaterials have a central role in biomedical industry, being required in a broad range of medical applications for the purpose of diagnosis, prevention ...
  • Daraban, G.; Bădeanu, Marinela; Rusu, Lăcrămioara; Șuteu, Daniela (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    The pesticides represent one of the most toxic compounds that affect the human health, these compounds having mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. One of the way by these compounds can get into the human body are ...
  • Gafencu, Andrei-Mihai; Florea, Andreea-Mihaela; Lipșa, Florin-Daniel; Ulea, Eugen (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2018)
    Black point is a common disease in all wheat growing regions of the world and is an important quality defect of the wheat kernel. Black point can be characterized by a dark brown to black discoloration of the pericarp and ...
  • Ștefan, Gavril (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2018)
    The aim of the paper is to design a structural model for boosting entrepreneurship spirit. The model is based on the structural human matrix, respectively the relationships that are created between the biological, the ...
  • Mircu, Călin; Cernescu, Horia; Ungureanu, Georgiana; Rațiu, Ana-Maria; Otavă, Gabriel; Boldura, Oana-Maria; Huțu, Ioan; Tulcan, Camelia; Keller, Thomas; Marc Zarcula, Simona (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2018)
    Electrical stimulation is an alternative to chemical activation to induce 𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎2+ influx, responsible for the formation of pores in the cellular membrane. In order to activate the oocytes, electrical stimulation (E.S.) ...
  • Popovici, L.; Mihăilă, Elena; Costăchescu, C.; Constandache, C. (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    Agroforestry system seams to be necessary in Romania because the climate has undergone important changes and some of ecosystems are degradated; agroforestry systems ensuring the long-term ...
  • Nadăș, George-Cosmin; Filipoi, Cosmin-Dan; Chirilă, Flore; Bouari, Cosmina-Maria; Buzura Matei, Ioana; Fiț, Nicodim-Iosif (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2018)
    Pyometra is a common illness in adult intact female dogs and cats and a less frequent diagnosis in other small animal species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial flora isolated from uterine exudates of ...
  • Chochkov, Rosen; Topleva, Silviya; Gogova, Tsvetana; Koleva, Anna; Chonova, Valentina; Prokopov, Tsvetko; Nikolova, Milena (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2018)
    L’étude présente les résultats de l’analyse qualitative de craquelins fonctionnels innovatifs enrichis en farine de céleri dans le contexte d'une alimentation saine et des frais de ...