In this paper we attempted to perform a haematological characterization of posthemorrhagic and haemolytic anaemia in dogs because these two types of anaemia have an increased incidence in canine pathology. The research was conducted on 20 different breeds of dogs with different ages that were divided into two experimental groups as follows:
- group 1 was made up of 10 dogs with disorders that induce haemolytic anaemia (babesiosis and IMHA),
- group 2 was made up of 10 dogs with diseases that induce posthaemorrhagic anaemia (multiple traumatic injuries after car accidents, tumors that can generate haemorrhages, surgery, etc.).
To perform haematological determinations, we used a Diagon D-cell 30 blood analyzer and we made the following determinations: RBC, Hb, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC, %Neutophils, %Eosinophils,
%Basophils, %Lymphocytes and %Monocytes. Our research has led to the following conclusions:
1. Anaemia induced by haemolytic mechanism was more intense than that one induced by posthaemorrhagic mechanism. Both haematocrit and haemoglobin have lower values in the case of haemolytic anaemia compared to the posthaemorrhagic anaemia;
2. Anaemia induced by haemolytic mechanism was accompanied by statistically significant leucopenia;
3. A statistically significant neutrophilia was found in case of posthaemorrhagic anaemia;
4. A statistically significant eosinophilia was found in case of haemolytic anaemia.