Browsing 2019 by Issue Date

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  • Tulcan, Camelia; Cernescu, Horia; Huțu, Ioan; Boldura, Oana-Maria; Otavă, Gabriel; Furcă, Oana; Mircu, Călin; Marc Zarcula, Simona (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    Cells are vulnerable to oxidative stress during in vitro culture systems. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of vitamin C addition in in vitro culture media on porcine oocytes maturation rate ...
  • Șeicaru, Anca; Belu, Cristian (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The muscular lymph centers from the cervico-cephalic region emerge with the muscles and in specialty literature there is little information regarding muscles at the ferret, hence why in this study we have also referred to ...
  • Isaconi Bulai, Isabela-Voichița; Gagniuc, Elvira; Raita, Ștefania-Mariana; Militaru, Manuella (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The microscopic examination of meat products allows the identification of tissue structures and, to a certain extent, of the unauthorized content of plant and animal origin, the detection of parasites, the quality evaluation ...
  • Dan, Sorin-Daniel; Mihaiu, Marian; Reget, Oana; Tăbăran, Alexandra (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    Meat products are one of the categories of food that is increasingly appreciated by consumers. The presence in meat products of psychrotrophs is of particular importance for their quality, safety and freshness. Psychrotrophs ...
  • Petcu, Carmen-Daniela; Ghimpețeanu, Oana-Mărgărita; Oprea, Oana-Diana; Ciobotaru Pîrvu, Emilia (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    Along with mankind evolution, the food needs of the population have turned to improved nutrition, which led to the use of spices to enhance the taste and flavour of dishes. Thus, the food industry is currently confronted ...
  • Ruxanda, Flavia; Chende, Adriana; Miclăuș, Viorel; Rus, Vasile; Gal, Adrian-Florin (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, 2019)
    Guinea pigs are often usen as animal models in investigations, thus there is an acute interest in these animals. The apartenence of guinea pigs in the Rodentia order is still a matter of debate, which determined us to ...
  • Petrovici, Adriana; Solcan, Carmen (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    Neurotrophins (NTs) and their receptors have been extensively studied in the last years due to their involvement in the development of the nervous system, its plasticity and survival, as well as in psychiatric or ...
  • Aniță, Dragoș-Constantin; Drîmbă, Sabina; Aniță, Adriana-Elena (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    Whole blood contains all the elements that are necessary for oxygen delivery and hemostasis, in nearly physiologic ratios and concentrations. Transfusion therapy is a major resource that can improve the patient's capability ...
  • Tulcan, Camelia; Cernescu, Horia; Bonca, Gheorghe; Huțu, Ioan; Boldura, Oana-Maria; Otavă, Gabriel; Mircu, Călin; Marc Zarcula, Simona (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    Sperm freeze-drying is a new and alternative method to preserve male gametes in refrigeration or at room temperature. In order to protect sperm integrity special protection is required. The aim of our research was to examine ...
  • Nadăș, George-Cosmin; Bel, Lucia; Chirilă, Flore; Bouari, Cosmina-Maria; Bogdan, Liviu-Marian; Fiț, Nicodim-Iosif (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The objectives of this study were to isolate and identify the bacteria present in the shell and plastron ulcers in a group of infected turtles compared with healthy turtles, and antibiotic susceptibility testing of bacterial ...
  • Nadăș, George-Cosmin; Bouari, Cosmina-Maria; Chirilă, Flore; Matei, Ioana-Adriana; Novac, Cristiana-Ștefania; Filipoi, Cosmin-Dan; Fiț, Nicodim-Iosif (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    Urinary tract infections are very common in dogs, while the number of antimicrobials available for therapy has decreased due to the adaptation and evolution of bacterial populations. The aim of the study was to establish ...
  • Nadăș, George-Cosmin; Chirilă, Flore; Bouari, Cosmina-Maria; Răpuntean, Sorin; Buzura Matei, Ioana; Bogdan, Liviu-Marian; Cimpoieș, Iulia; Fiț, Nicodim-Iosif (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal susceptibility of 33 Candida spp. isolates to classic antifungals included in Multodisc® system kits (Liofilchem – Italy). The research was conducted during January-June ...
  • Moroșan, Șerban; Pașca, Aurelian-Sorin; Leech, Kirk (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The general public shows strong reservations towards animal research. Over the years, science has also critically looked at e.g. reproducibility and translational issues and implemented improvements of which the public is ...
  • Rusu, Oana-Raluca; Floriștean, Viorel-Cezar; Borș, Alina; Ailincăi, Luminița-Iuliana; Mihai, Iuliana; Rîmbu, Cristina-Mihaela; Ciocan Moțco, Oana-Alexandra; Vlad, Gheorghiță (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    The European Union has shown that the post-industrial market economy has led to the production of food products above the level of consumer needs in the member states. This development has generated new types of issues, ...
  • Hrițcu, Ozana-Maria; Marian, Mariana; Moroșan, Șerban; Pașca, Aurelian-Sorin (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    The study was done on six dogs selected from the cadavers brought for necropsy at the Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Service, from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Iași, between 2007 and 2019. The dogs had ...
  • Caraman, Mariana (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    In order to study the variation of the biochemical profile of the blood of the rabbits depending on the biochemical composition of the consumed fodder (with and without the addition of streptomycetes biomass), an experiment ...
  • Pașca, Aurelian-Sorin; Saftencu Pașca, Paula-Maria; Moroșan, Șerban; Hrițcu, Ozana-Maria (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, 2019)
    The kidney is often the target of agressions of extra-renal origins. Its structure and function make it vulnerable and oftenly affected by the pathological changes that take place inside the living organism. Glomerulonephritis ...
  • Raita, Ștefania-Mariana; Georgescu, Mara (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi, 2019)
    Increased interest for enhancing food quality during storage, using affordable, natural solutions, lead to studies assessing Nigella sativa for its preservation properties. The present study is focused on challenge testing ...
  • Berlea, Alina-Valeria; Csibi, Dalma; Irimie, Alexandra; Martonos, Cristian; Roman, Irina; Damian, Aurel (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    Among different species there are comparable structural characteristics in tissues and organs, but they also have different particularities responsible for certain functions. The components of the cardiovascular system ...
  • Petcu, Carmen-Daniela; Deleanu, Constantin; Matei, Ioan; Cotan, Șefan-Dragoș; Viziteu, Gabriel; Andronic, Viorel; Carmen Daniela Petcu, Oana Mărgărita Ghimpețeanu, Oana Diana Oprea, Emilia Ciobotaru-Pîrvu, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2019)
    Sulfur dioxide is one of the most used antiseptics in vinification. Its action on the "infection" microorganisms found in wine cellars is demonstrated by numerous studies. The present study shows that the antiseptic potential ...