The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of prostaglandins (natural and synthetic analogues) on estrous synchronization in beef cows. The study was carried out between May – August 2019 in a private unit in Timis County, and involved 54 Aberdeen Angus cows diagnosed with ovarian luteal tissue: corpus luteum (n=36 cows), cystic corpus luteum (n= 8 cows) and luteal cysts (n=10 cows). Two products were used for the treatment of this pathology: PGF Veyx Forte (n=27 cows) and Enzaprost (n=27 cows). The interval between hormonal treatment and the onset of estrous was ranging from 48-96 hours. In this trial 83.33% of the animals expressed signs of estrous. In the present experiment the conception rate after the artificial insemination was 71.11%.