The phytosanitarian status of some micro areas or countries involves
minutely research for a long time in order to identify new pathogenic agents
or new host plants for the signalized pathogens.
The researcher’s teams in Phytopathology and Mycology from
Moldavia are concerned by phytosanitarian status over 65 years, every year
signalizing the novelty regarding the parasitic fungus appeared on cultivated
or spontaneous plants but also the saprophytic fungus which can become
The identified fungus are studied, and than included in “C. SanduVille” Mycological Herbarium from Moldavia which has an online index and
can be accessed using the internet pages of University of Agricultural
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi.
The results of mycological research made by the authors during 2005-
2007 on different cultivated or spontaneous plants are reveal the appearance
of new signalized fungus for Romania, or new host plants for already known
or rarely described fungus.
The authors are studying the frequency of the pathogenic agents on
cultivated or spontaneous plants, reporting in this scientific paper 2 fungi
new for Romania - Colletotrichum dematium (Fr.) Grove on Levisticum
officinale Koch. and Marssonina panattoniana Magn. on Lactuca sativa L., 2
fungi new for Moldavia - Rhizoctonia solani Kühn – on Vitis vinifera L. and
Alternaria dauci (Kühn) Gr. et Sk. f. sp. Porri (Ellis) Neerg. – on Allium
sativum L. and 4 new host plants for already known fungus: Cotoneaster
horizontalis Decne it is signalized as a new host plant for Cytospora ambiens
Sacc. and for Macrophoma cylindrospora (Desm.) Berl. et Vogl., Calendula
officinalis L – it is a new host plant for Alternaria dauci (Kühn) Gr. et Sk. f.
sp. Porri (Ellis) Neerg. and Lactuca sativa L. – it is a new host plant for
Alternaria oleracea Milbr.
The frequency of these fungi as well as the extending of the main
pathogenic agents from the intensive crop appear year by year in the
phytosanitarian status of Moldavia, considering that all farmers should be
informed about the plant protection situation