One of the micro, the most important bridge to the agricultural
potential, is the Plain of Braila.
This microzone is located in the north-eastern Romanian Plain, with
the neighbors to the west, north and east geographical formations nature
plain and the Danube south. The climate is temperate continental with hot
and dry summers and cold winters.
The average annual temperature is 10.4 ° C and average rainfall -
447 mm recorded a deficit of water is 258 mm, which determines the need of
To optimize the structure of crops has made a case study of the field
holding a Braila, SC Agro-Group Import-Export SRL Braila. Optimization
was done using linear-programming.
He developed an economic-mathematical model for one of the two
bodies namely body Siliştea society, with an area of 400 hectares. Profit
maximization objective function followed.
After solving the resulting model a new structure different from the
existing structure.
Corn grain holds 37.5% of the surface, with 10% more than the old
structure. Most area for maize seed is 32.5%. It also increased the area
planted with winter barley seed, from 2.5% to 20%, at the expense of
consumption. If winter wheat area for consumption decreased by 50%,
increasing slightly the area of wheat seed. In the rape seed crops. In the
culture of rape and sunflower seed, they were maintained at a constant level
of 12.5%.
Level economic indicators of the two structures, we show that if
optimized structure, both the income and gross profits are higher than the
existing version. Total income is higher by 219.14 thousand lei, and profit by
134.79 thousand lei, if optimized version. In addition, areas of different sizes
allow you to create a rotation crop favorable from the technological point of