The development of the Internet has a great impact on the promoting
and selling of the ordinary or digital goods. It allows the creation of new online commercial schemes, which are characterized by a very fast access to
economical information. All of these require exchanges of documents in
digital form between several firms, organizations and/or physical persons.
Besides its advantages, the transactions on the Internet leads to major
security problems because the information may be available to unauthorized
parties. It is necessary to develop, maintain and analyze specific security
solutions dedicated to digital transactions. Thus, several e-commerce, epayment, e-auction protocols have been proposed in order to assure proper
and secure transactions. The main dificulty is that the information flow on
the Internet is free, without any control or censorship. Moreover, the identity
of the involved partners is not always known. This implies that the
information can be intercepted, modified or even deleted by dishonest users.
In this paper we analyze a very important e-commerce protocol, namely
NetBill, in the context of on-line transactions.