Vegetable-growing is one of the important branches of the national
economy due, in particular,to the role it holds in ensuring supplies of foods
for human nutrition.
Galati county particularly meets the favourable conditions for
development of such arms. The generous climate, soils fertile, but especially
the tradition, make this area to be generators of large quantities of
vegetables for Romania's economy.
The study undertaken planned to make an overview of the current
situation on vegetable-growing in Galati county and to investigate the
experience in the Matca vegetable-growing center, nationally recognized by
variety and quality of the produced vegetables.
The area cultivated with vegetables in field and solaria was at the end
of 2008 of 7820 ha, to add an area of 3932 hectares cultivated with
watermelons and melons. Together represent more than 5% of the arable
area of the county. The average production has exceeded 21 tonnes/ha being
over the national average. Among the species grown in the first positions on
the surface, it falls tomatoes with 20.6% and cabbage with 8.5%. The area
cultivated with vegetables in Matca commune is of nearly 1000 ha, with an
annual pace of growth of 5.2%.
The weighted average profit calculated at tonne of vegetable is 0.9 lei
per kg. The main limitative factors in the vegetable-growing production of
Galati county are the instability markets for selling and insufficient water