In the following study, the author proposes to emphasize the special
role of school in what concerns the education of the pupils in the spirit of
showing respect towards the environment and for the true values of
humanity. The present paper presents an investigation among the pupils, at
the subject Romanian and Universal Literature, having as a discussion topicThe Education of the Ecological Spirit in the Works of the Great Writers. As
a result of questioning a sample of pupils with different ages, it has been
ascertained that literature has a decisive impact in the formation of the
teenagers’ conduct towards the environment, and mostly in acquiring certain
behaviour norms which are necessary for ensuring its equilibrium. Study
initiated in schools showed that students consider it particularly important
that the education of each individual in the spirit of protecting the
environment, starting from early ages. This research is an additional reason
for teachers to strongly support the introduction of discipline in the school:
environment for education at all levels of age, but also it is necessary an
approach to this problem from the perspective trans/interdisciplinary, in
order to further field environmental education.