The pathogenous appears each year with different intensities and
degrees of attack, firstly in accordance with the meteorological factors. The
attack is stronger in draughty and hot years. In rainy and cold years, the
attack of the fungus does not create problems. In order to reduce the
damages produced by this pathogenous, there have been studied the factors
which determine apparition and evolution of the attack. In this respect, it has
been given a special importance to the first symptoms, to the evolution of
these symptoms in accordance with the meteorological factors
(precipitations, medium temperature, medium humidity of air, dew). After
apparition, in the draughty and hot years of 2002 and 2003, the disease had
a faster evolution and a higher degree of attack of 13,75% and respectively
11,70% at the end of August. In 2004 and 2005, rainy and cold years, the
disease had a slower evolution of 3,16% and respectively 1,57% in the
second half of August.