The observations were made in year 2008 in natural pastures invaded
bt Lepidium draba L. – the result of irrational grazing of livestock
respectively cows and sheep, from the department of Iassy and department of
Vaslui, nort-east of Romania. The pasture flora from the studied plots has
117 species of vascular plants, belonging to 84 genera and 24 families. The
most common invasive species are: Lepidium draba, Euphorbia cyparissias,
Verbascum phlomoides, Xanthium italicum, etc, wich decrease dramatically
the productivity of the ecosystems. Lepidium draba displaces valuable
pasture forage species and reduces native biodiversity. In Romania of the
most promising biological control agents, the Ceutorhynchus cardariae, the
Psylliodes wrasei, and the Aceria drabae. The observations regarding the
biological control agents of species Lepidium draba L. is based on visual
examination of plants. In the department of Vaslui and Iassy, percent attack
of inflorescences by Aceria drabae were contained between 5-35,7% of
Vaslui and 14,7-47,5% of Iassy.