The researches were accomplished during period 2005-2008 at
Agricultural Research and Development Station of Suceava and followed the
nitrogen fertilizer effect in comparison with nitrogen from purin upon the
seed production at the fescue crop (Festuca pratensis). We observed the
positive effect of the mineral and organic nitrogen upon seed production
when the doses were on N60 in the first year and N90 in the next years. At the
doses on N90 in the first year and N120 in the next years we noticed a seeds
yield decreases when the nitrogen was applied in only one round during the
spring or in the autumn. But when we applied the fractioned doses (1/2 in the
spring and ½ in the autumn) the seed production had a different
manifestation. Also, it was produced some modifications upon the values of
one thousand kernel weight function nitrogen dose, its form and
administration mode.