dc.description.abstract |
The systematic cadastre has as its general objective the free registration in the integrated cadastre and land register
system of all real estates throughout the country, regardless of their destination and owner. The systematic registration
of real estates is regulated by Law no. 7/1996 of the cadastre and real estate advertising, with subsequent amendments
and additions, and can take place at the level of administrative-territorial units or cadastral sectors. In the period 2005-
2015, through the Stefan Voda pilot project with funding from ANCPI and through the Project on Supplementing the
Financial Support granted by the EU for the Restructuring of Agriculture (CESAR), the systematic cadastre was
completed in seven administrative-territorial units and 78,232 real estates were registered in the integrated system. In
2015, the National Cadastre and Land Registry Program 2015-2023 (PNCCF) was approved, with financing from
ANCPI's own revenues, non-refundable external funds (European Union) and through allocations (co-financing) from
the budgets of administrative-territorial units. Through the PNCCF, until August 31, 2023, with all the financial,
operational and legislative measures taken to speed up the systematic registration, 6,113,378 real estates were
registered. Due to the registration in the integrated cadastre and land registry computer system, both through sporadic
and systematic cadastre, on April 30, 2022, of about 50% of the total number of estimated 40,000,000 real estates, the
Government of Romania through Decision no. 836/29.06.2022 established the extension of the PNCCF until the
completion of the systematic registration at the level of each administrative-territorial unit. |
en_US |