Beer is traditionally made with four primary ingredients: a starch source (commonly malted barley), yeast, hops, and
water, resulting in a complex beverage containing over 3000 different constituents such as carbohydrates, proteins, ions,
microbes, organic acids, and polyphenols. Beer gets much more complex during storage because chemical changes can
occur that impact the flavor, fragrance, and appearance. As a result, maintaining the quality of beer throughout its
lifespan is a difficult undertaking. The technique used in this work is based on a review of quality management tools
and best practices in the brewing sector. This study seeks to synthesize the many ingredients and components of beer,
address how ingredients affect the completed product, and describe some of the analytical methods used in Brewing
Station to regulate quality and understand the development of chemicals in beer during the brewing process.
Recommendations include ensuring that USV Brewing Microproduction Station staff members participate fully, as well
as teaching all employees about TQM best practices implementation and involving everyone in TQM implementation.