In a 5 years experience made on aluvisol soil at the Vacreni plain in
Tulcea district it was followed the efect of the N and P fertilizers upon the
production and the quality of the winter wheat at the Dropia variety. The N
fertilizers had determined the increase of the weight of 1000 seeds from
41.78 g in the N0 variant upon the 43.86 g in the N160 variant, the increase of
the hectolitric weight from the 77.28 kg in the in the N0 variant upon the
79.34 g in the N160 variant and the increase of the proteic contain from 10.66
% in the in the N0 variant upon the 15,57 % in the N160 variant. The P
fertilizers had the same growth effect of the quality properties, but much
smaller. The interaction between n and P had determined the substantial
growth af the quality of the wheat cariopsa. So, the bigger MMB and MH had
been obtained at the interaction N160P120 where the values were 44.1g and
80.0 kg/hl and the bigger protein contain of 16.43 % has been obtained in
N160P160 variant. Also it had been observed the positive correlations between
the MH and the protein contain