In a 5 years experience made on aluvisol soil in the Garvan locality in
Tulcea district wich regarding the effect of the climatic conditions and the
fertilizers with N and P upon the contain of wet and dry gluten at the variety
of winter wheat dropia it had been detected that the Nitrogen had positively
influenced the contain of wet and dry gluten. This had determined the
increase of the content of dry gluten from 25.8 % in the N0 variant , until
32.1% in the N160 variant and concerning the contain of wet gluten, this had
increased from 7.4% until 9.2% at the same doses of fertilizers in a year wich
was warmly and droughty at the begining of the spring. In the agricultural
year 2004-2005, wich was much humid, the contain of dry gluten had
reached the value of 27.9% and the contain of wet gluten was of 8,04 % in
the N0 variant comparing with N160 variant were the values were of 21.98%
and 6.44%. It was observed o positive correlation between the contain of the
wet gluten and the N dose of fertilise. The correlation between the P dose and
the contain of dry gluten was distinct significant in a warmly and droughty
year(2003) and insignifinact in a year with more humudity (2005).