The paper presents the pedological and agrochemical features of the
sterile dump Husnicioara, District Mehedinti that has a surface of 190 ha.
There are presented the po lluting effects of the sterile dump Husnicioara on
the environment.
The air pollution is done by two ways: by solid suspension emanation;
by gas emanation.
The air pollution that is caused by dust emissions, especially due to
car transport and conveyer transport is a major problem fro the
neighborhood villages to mines. The Romanian standard abou the quality of
the air for dust is 0.5 mg/m3
is overpasses by 10 times near coal deposits,
along the way between mine and dump. Next to the emanation sources there
were determined emanations of 4.0-5.7 mg/m3
, atmospheric powders being
overpasses by 8-18 times the MAL (0.5 mg/m3
). At 100-150 m distance, the
values were under this limit.