Worldwide a priority of the producers of fertilizers is the obtaining
and promoting new organo-mineral fertilizer by developing new classes of
fertilizers made of natural organic substances. These fertilizers, with a high
humice acid content, fulvice and salts thereof, may contribute to improve
plant nutrition, better indices of soil fertility and food security by providing
superior quality, environmentally friendly agricultural products. Researches
were conducted for obtaining agrochemicals and testing organo-mineral
fertilizers with humice substances, microelements and fulvice used both in
classic agriculture and ecological.
Fertilizers can be applied both extraradicular as well as irrigation or
drop. Testing and evaluating these fertilizer has been compared with the
witnesses represented by certificates fertilizers. The paper presents results of
agrochemical testing carried out in solar on tomato culture using variant
composition of organo-mineral fertilizer with opportunities to use both in
classic agriculture and ecological.