The valorisation of production capacity of farming fields and,
especially, of arable lands, was done with time by their design for drying,
embankment-regulation, underground drainage, soil erosion control works.
Dry-drainage designs were done for removing the moisture excess
from soil surface and upper soil horizons, which resulted from rainfalls,
ground water and from surface runoff from higher neighbouring areas.
Working and using dry-drainage systems, especially after 1990, under
conditions of private property on land, have resulted in changing the
constructive parameters of channel network. The evolution of geometrical
and hydraulic elements of channels was highly influenced by the way of
usage of designed fields and human factor interference. The irrational
grazing and uncontrolled channel crossing by animals when soil is
excessively wet determined the acceleration of bank erosion and, implicitly,
channel clogging at a mean annual rate of 4-5 cm.