By using photogrammetric technologies that provide digital
photographic image processing, one has moved to the realization of the
spatial database in digital format. In this context, for the 2003-2007 period,
it is highlighted the drawing and editing of the orthophotomaps at the scale
1:10000 for all the basic administrative units of territory from Romania, with
the main user, the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture. To
integrate the existing spatial database for Bilca cadastral territory from
Suceava County there were used the orthophotomaps in digital and analog
format at scale 1:10000, and respectively, the maps of the land-soil
cartographic units elaborated based on the pedological mapping studies at
the same scale. On the digital orthophotomap that comprises geospatial
information from the 189 agricultural physical blocks, occupying an area of
1 853.31 hectares, the three spatial layers / entities of the map of the soils
were overlapped. For this purpose were used graphic information of the 24
land-soil cartographic units, ecologically homogeneous, identified for an
agricultural area of 1358.14ha. By achieving the spatial database were
ensured the validation, and the access to information for each cadastral plot,
as a component of a physical block, with regard to the size of areas occupied
by the land-soil cartographic units, the field grade, the favorability and the
suitability of agricultural land.