The objective of this paper is to establish the weight of different load
loss and their total value on two-layered soils in permanent regime with the
help of the program DrenVSubIr. Thus, to the three load losses: vertical hv
horizontal h0 and radial hr
from the Ernst equation of underground drainage
projector it is being added the load loss at the entrance in the drainage-filter
system, hi, introduced by I. David. Having this four load losses, the whole
load loss can be calculated. Until now appreciations on the real weight of the
leaks in load losses at the projections of underground drainage systems
haven’t been made. The access at the values of the four load losses is
facilities of the application DrenVSubIR in the projection module of the
underground drainage. Here are presented the numeric results with the
precision of five decimals, so that the specialist can calculate the weights and
conclude on the drainage working regimes. The study of the weight of load
losses presents in this paper the case K1 K2 for which the application
DrenVSubIR has been applied with entrance parameters and the numeric
results presented in the tables and pictures in the paper.