Because the new trend in hemp domain is obtaining specialized
varieties in fibre or seed production, S.C.D.A. Secuieni propose to create a
new monoecious hemp variety small in size, precocious and with a higher
seed production. The new variety was obtained by cross breeding the
dioecious line F7-3FIN314 as female partner with the monoecious line Z11-4
SCM44 as male partner, followed by two backcrosses for the monoecious
character to be stabilized. The F0 generation was characterized by the small
Size of F7-3FIN314 line and a higher seed production. After the two
backcrosses the size of the plants stabilized at 200-250 cm, the average plant
production is 81 g and the THC content is under 0,06%. The new line is
process of testing at I.S.T.I.S. Romania.