In this study, initial data is presented in terms of the physicochemical properties of the analyzed plot. In topographic
plot 127a, the following soil quality indicators were analyzed: bulk density, soil moisture (initial and at sowing),
capillary capacity, total capacity and soil pH. To determine the bulk density, undisturbed soil samples were taken, using
cylinders (5 cm diameter, 5.1 cm height) with a volume of 100 cm3
and a bottom cut at an angle of 15°. Bulk density
was sampled from three points on the diagonal and four depths from 0 to 40 cm. Bulk density values ranged between
1.26 g/cm3
and 1.36 g/cm3
. Initial moisture was determined using soil sampling probes and aluminum vials at six depths
from 0-90 cm. Moisture values ranged between 14.92% and 19.82%. After sowing the winter pea crop, soil moisture
was determined in both tillage systems. In the conventional system, the resulting values ranged between 17.95% and
21.90% and in the no-tillage system the values recorded ranged between 10.52 % and 17.89 %. Capillary capacity was
determined in the laboratory on samples collected from the field in metal cylinders. It expresses the amount of water the
soil can hold in the capillary pores. The values recorded had values ranging between 30.90% and 37.6%. Total water
capacity was determined using naturally settled soil samples. This indicates the amount of water the soil holds when all
soil pores are filled with water. The resulting values ranged from 34,21 % to 40,78 %. Soil pH was determined by the
potentiometric method in aqueous suspension. On the 0-20 cm depth the soil reaction is neutral and on the 20-40 cm
soil layer the resulting soil reaction is slightly alkaline.