The occurrence of viral diseases in a shelter may certainly be devastating to the health and welfare of animals and
can create serious problems even for the best equipped additions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
incidence of infectious diseases in stray dogs in paddocks located in Bacău, Vrancea and Galați counties. The
researches aimed to identify the causative agents of viruses in dogs in shelters located in the three counties in eastern
Romania, Bacau, Vrancea and Galati, analysis of diagnostic methods used in the units, analysis of predisposing
factors and analysis of surveillance and control measures. Parvovirus was the main viral disease observed among
young dogs, aged between 1-7 months, its incidence varying between 28.18% and 68.18%. The diagnosis was
established on the basis of the clinical picture, as well as by rapid tests, based on immunochromatography. Mortality
in dogs diagnosed with parvovirus, in the 3 shelters included in the study, ranged from 32.72% to 66.66%. Other
viral diseases, such as Carre's disease and kennel cough, were also diagnosed in the shelters included in the study.
Promoting the vaccination of dogs and the control of the canine population by sterilization in the three counties
included in the study can contribute to the prevention of viral diseases among stray dogs. The study provides support
for preventive management actions aimed at protecting the health of stray dogs in public and private shelters.