S.C. Vinifruct Copou S.A.
Iasi is a company of the agricultural branch
which holds 0.7% of agricultural area,
0.63% and 0.80% of the area planted with
orchards of county Iaşi. The reserves of
labour existing in the area and relatively
rapid training possibilities and qualifications
of staff for the majority of the population,
make the insurance with labour not to
constitute the present and future a restriction
on the development of the company. After
analyzing the staff of the S.C. Vinifruct
Copou S.A. Iaşi workers see that the
number of company represents about 2/3 of
the total personnel, the rest of 1/3 being
composed of personnel TESA. Having
regard to process peculiarities activity
specific hours and field in which S.C.
Vinifruct Copou S.A. Ia i unfolds its
activity, we see within a structure adequate
staff on jobs, in which specific hours hold
share in total personnel. The importance of
the human resources at S.C. Vinifruct
Copou S.A. Iaşi is well-known, representing
the most important means to valorise the
potentail of the land and animals as well as
the technical, financial and informational