ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

Suitability favorability soil and the city of perimeter Faget, Timis county for major crops agricultural and horticultural

Show simple item record Mihuț, Casiana Okros, Adalbert Niță, Lucian-Dumitru Duma Copcea, Anișoara Mazăre, Veaceslav 2022-04-07T06:58:52Z 2022-04-07T06:58:52Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Mihuț, Casiana, Adalbert Okros, Lucian Niță, Anișoara Duma-Copcea, Veaceslav Mazăre. 2013. "Suitability favorability soil and the city of perimeter Faget, Timis county for major crops agricultural and horticultural". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 56(2): 165-168.
dc.description.abstract The Făget city is located in the south-western Romania, in the contact area of the Hills Plain Lugoj the upper Bega River. Plain occupies about half the land area is investigated and the lowest level morphology with hypsometric values between 75 and 200 m. In general, agricultural land is conditional evaluation of knowledge of the complex operation of breeding and fruit-bearing plants and to determine the degree of favorability of these conditions for each use and culture (as can be adversely land for certain crops and agricultural uses and favorable for others), through an index system of evaluation techniques and notes. Economically, soil suitability consider in determining the mark of evaluation, soil properties, landscape attributes, qualities that lead ultimately to the state of soil fertility and is closely correlated with human activity. All these features have led to a rather large diversity in the soil subtype, diversity is reflected in the evaluation marks value, value that has special ecological significance, the interaction between living organisms and the environment if the compared between plants, soil and other edaphic conditions for each crop in the sense of differentiated favorability and the possibility of obtaining agricultural production. The main types and subtypes of soils in the urban area Făget are: Regosoil, Luvisoil stagnated Luvisoil white, Gleiosolil typical, eutric. The nature and intensity degradation, synthesized according to the group land on their suitability for the main crops and horticulture, was analyzed for each limiting factor in part, to the way of expression in different parts of the area studied and the particular requirements and ameliorative measures of points. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject soil en_US
dc.subject suitability en_US
dc.subject evaluation notes en_US
dc.subject favorability en_US
dc.subject fertility en_US
dc.subject pedogenesis processes en_US
dc.title Suitability favorability soil and the city of perimeter Faget, Timis county for major crops agricultural and horticultural en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 56
dc.issue 2
dc.publicationDate 2013
dc.startingPage 165
dc.endingPage 168
dc.identifier.eissn 2069-6727

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