There is a close relationship between nutrition and Orodental health
because the foods they consume population, not only have an effect on overall
health, but also on oral health . According to WHO, oral health is the absence
of dental diseases and chronic facial pain, oropharyngeal cancer, inflammation
oral, birth defects (cleft lip, cleft palate like), gum disease, tooth decay and
tooth loss, and other diseases that affect the oral. Consummate come into
contact with food and periodontal bacteria in the mouth and in the absence of
brushing your teeth plaque accumulates. A rich diet in vitamins and minerals
represented by fruit or vegetables can prevent gingivitis. For our study we used
a series of questionnaires on a sample of 47 patients , aged 25-54 years , in
order to relieve daily food intake , the proportion of food with beneficial effect
on oro - dental health, and assess the state of oral hygiene.