Facultatea de Horticultura / Faculty of Horticulture: Recent submissions

  • Bahrim, Cezar; García Breijo, Francisco José; Apostol, Maria; Asănică, Adrian-Constantin; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Munteanu, Neculai; Rotaru, Liliana; Draghia, Lucia (University of Bucharest, 2020-12-15)
    Three species of Eremurus M. Bieb. grown at UASVM Iasi, Romania, were studied: E. himalaicus Baker, E. robustus Regel and E. stenophyllus (BOISS. & BUHSE) Bak. Some ornamental (morphologic and phenologic) features were ...
  • Filote, Cătălina; Roșca, Mihaela; Hlihor, Raluca-Maria; Cozma, Petronela; Simion, Isabela-Maria; Apostol, Maria; Gavrilescu, Maria (MDPI, 2021-09-22)
    Persistent toxic substances including persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals have been released in high quantities in surface waters by industrial activities. Their presence in environmental compartments is causing ...
  • Zaldea, Gabi; Nechita, Ancuța; Damian, Doina; Ghiur, Andreea; Cotea, Valeriu V. (AcademicPres Cluj-Napoca, 2021-12-15)
    Unfavourable trends have been identified in the evolution of climate factors (temperatures, precipitation, etc.) over the past years, with a direct impact on the vegetative and productive potential of the vine. This calls ...
  • Daraban, Gabriel-Mihăiță; Zaharia, Carmen; Rusu, Lăcrămioara; Puitel, Adrian-Cătălin; Bădeanu, Marinela; Șuteu, Daniela (Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, 2021-06-30)
    This paper describes the preparation of plant extracts using solid-liquid ultrasonic extraction (sonoextraction), the characterization of prepared extracts and their bioinsecticidal activity. The studied raw vegetal m ...
  • Stoleru, Vasile; Jacobsen, Sven-Erik; Vitănescu, Maricel; Jităreanu, Gerard; Butnariu, Monica; Munteanu, Neculai; Stan, Teodor; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Cojocaru, Alexandru; Mihalache, Gabriela (Elsevier Ltd., 2021-11-29)
    In the context of climate change, especially for the temperate continental climate, new potential crop species are emerging, originating from the tropics. One of them is quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with multiple ...
  • Ungureanu, Elena; Trofin, Alina-Elena; Trincă, Lucia-Carmen; Ariton, Adina-Mirela; Ungureanu, Ovidiu C.; Fortună, Maria-Emiliana; Jităreanu, Carmenica-Doina; Popa, Valentin I. (Editura Academiei Romane, 2021-06)
    In this study, the adsorption of Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions from aqueous solutions onto lignin obtained from unmodified Sarkanda grass was analyzed. To ensure optimal process conditions, the retention of lead and zinc ions was ...
  • Christofi, Stefania; Katsaros, George; Mallouchos, Athanasios; Cotea, Valeriu V.; Kallithraka, Stamatina (International Viticulture and Oenology Society, 2021-03-09)
    The aim of this work was to examine the potential of High Pressure (HP) technology as an alternative technique to SO2 addition for red wine preservation. It focused on producing wines with reduced added SO2 and the ...
  • Cotea, Valeriu V.; Focea, Mihai-Cristian; Luchian, Camelia-Elena; Colibaba, Lucia-Cintia; Scutarașu, Elena-Cristina; Niculaua, Marius; Zamfir, Cătălin-Ioan; Popîrdă, Andreea (MDPI, 2021-01-26)
    The occurrence of aroma constituents in sparkling wines, with direct impact on their organoleptic characteristics, is affected by several factors, for example the base-wine particularities, grapes cultivar conditions, ...
  • Cristea, Elena; Ghendov Moșanu, Aliona; Patraș, Antoanela; Socaciu, Carmen; Pintea, Adela; Tudor, Cristina; Sturza, Rodica (MDPI, 2021-06-22)
    Recent trends in the food industry combined with novel methods in agriculture could transform rowan into a valuable raw material with potential technological applications. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate ...
  • Dogaru, Bianca-Ioana; Stoleru, Vasile; Mihalache, Gabriela; Yonsel, Sems; Popescu, Maria-Cristina (MDPI, 2021-09-25)
    Increasing interest on sustainable agriculture has led to the development of new materials which can be used as seed coating agents. In this study, a new material was developed based on gelatin film reinforced with ...
  • Ungureanu, Elena; Jităreanu, Carmenica-Doina; Trofin, Alina-Elena; Fortună, Maria-Emiliana; Ungureanu, Ovidiu C.; Ariton, Adina-Mirela; Trincă, Lucia-Carmen; Brezuleanu, Stejărel; Popa, Valentin I. (Editura Academiei Romane, 2022-05-06)
    Considering the negative effects of polluting species on the environment and human health, in particular heavy metals, and the need for efficient use of resources, the present study investigated the adsorption of As (III) ...
  • Popescu Lipan, Larisa; Les, Anda; Grigoraș, Marian; Ababei, Gabriel; Motrescu, Iuliana; Bulai, Georgiana; Brînză, Florin; Creangă, Dorina; Bălășoiu, Maria (Taylor & Francis Online, 2022-01-22)
    The preparation of antioxidant-coated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) has been studied to improve their biocompatibility, i.e. reducing negative side effects. The theoretical study was focused on the interaction of gallic ...
  • Pintilie, Paula-Lucelia; Tălmaciu, Mihai; Trotuș, Elena; Amarghioalei, Roxana-Georgiana; Leonte, Alexandra; Isticioaia, Simona-Florina (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Faculty of Agriculture, 2022)
    Maize is cultivated on 2,678.5 thousand ha in Romania, and its cultivation on large areas attracts a number of pests that attack various parts of the plant in different developmental phases. One of these dangerous pests ...
  • Pintilie, Paula-Lucelia; Tălmaciu, Mihai; Trotuș, Elena; Amarghioalei, Roxana-Georgiana; Isticioaia, Simona-Florina; Zaharia, Roxana; Herea, Monica; Buburuz, Alexandra-Andreea; Popa, Lorena-Diana (NARDI FUNDULEA, ROMANIA, 2021-12)
    The Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. larvae causes attacks and production losses by feeding with different parts of the plant (stem, cobs, inflorescence). The insect is spread throughout Romania, the frequency of attack is, ...
  • Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Stoleru, Vasile; Bireescu, Geanina; Mihalache, Gabriela; Burducea, Marian; Munteanu, Neculai; Țopa, Denis-Constantin; Matei, Gheorghe; Rădeanu, Georgiana; Popa, Lorena-Diana; Vlăduț, Nicolae-Valentin (NARDI FUNDULEA, ROMANIA, 2022-01)
    Currently there is a growing interest both in obtaining large agricultural yields in order to provide food for a growing population as well as in increasing the sustainability of production systems by improving the ...
  • Popa, Lorena-Diana; Buburuz, Alexandra-Andreea; Trotuș, Elena; Vlăduț, Nicolae-Valentin; Teliban, Gabriel-Ciprian; Agapie, Alina-Laura; Puiu, Ioan; Burducea, Marian; Melucă, Cristina; Pintilie, Paula-Lucelia; Matei, Gheorghe (NARDI FUNDULEA, ROMANIA, 2022-01)
    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a multifunctional crop that can be processed to obtain many different products like food, feed, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, recyclable and compostable biomaterials, energy, ...
  • Patriche, Cristian-Valeriu; Irimia, Liviu-Mihai (Springer Link, 2022-02-26)
    Climate change affects the viticulture sector worldwide in different ways, some countries reporting negative impacts, other positive effects, depending on the type of climate in which they are located. Romania is an ...
  • Filote, Cătălina; Roșca, Mihaela; Simion, Isabela-Maria; Hlihor, Raluca-Maria (MDPI, 2022-09-02)
    Heavy metal pollution is a serious concern of the modern era due to its widespread negative effects on human health and to the environment. Conventional technologies applied for the uptake of this category of persistent ...
  • Hlihor, Raluca-Maria; Roșca, Mihaela; Hagiu Zaleschi, Laura; Simion, Isabela-Maria; Daraban, Gabriel-Mihăiță; Stoleru, Vasile (MDPI, 2022-08-27)
    Accelerating heavy metal pollution is a hot issue due to a continuous growth in consumerism and increased activities in various global industries. Soil contamination with heavy metals has resulted in their incorporation ...
  • Garofalide, Silvia; Postolachi, Cristina; Cocean, Alexandru; Cocean, Georgiana; Motrescu, Iuliana; Cocean, Iuliana; Munteanu, Bogdanel-Silvestru; Prelipceanu, Marius; Gurlui, Silviu; Leontie, Liviu (MDPI, 2022-03-18)
    This researchwas aimed at investigating the Saharan dust cloud recorded on 11 and 12May 2020, by AERONET AOD stations in Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, and Romania and determining whether it affected the area ...