The purpose of this article is to present a description of forest soils from Iasi County, based on the soil analysis realized in the period 1989-2015. As a total, 201 soil profiles and 620 pedo-genetical horizons were analyzed. Amongst the 15 soil types identified in the county, the most widespread are: preluvisol (weakly acid soils, eubasic, with a large total cationic exchange capacity, well supplied with nitrogen and moderately humiferous), eutric cambisol (weakly acid soils, eubasic, with a large total cationic exchange capacity, well supplied with nitrogen and moderately humiferous), luvisol (moderately acid soils, eubasic, with a large total cationic exchange capacity, well supplied with nitrogen and intensely humiferous), phaeozem (weakly alkaline soils, eubasic, with a very large total cationic exchange capacity, normally supplied with nitrogen and intensely humiferous), chernozem (weakly alkaline soils, eubasic, with a very large total cationic exchange capacity, normally supplied with nitrogen and moderately humiferous) and fluvisol.