The necessity of vineyard fertilization is imposed by the fact that the vine is a perennial plant and it extracts for a long time large amounts of nutrients. In this context, this paper also includes a study on the use of a NOVA® organic fertilizer in establishing the oenological potential of vine varieties that are highly cultivated in Moldova, which allow the consumer to appreciate a wide range of wines. The technological grape indices of the studied varieties have demonstrated the superiority of applying biofertilisers, making them larger, less dense in berriesthat have a higher mass and must capacity. The grape yield is slightly larger, namely: 73.7% for the Aligoté variety, compared to 72.5% untreated variety, while for Fetească regală variety the increase is up to 65.9%, compared to 64.9%. The quality of the grapes has also been improved by application of the NOVA® foliar biofertiliser, the accumulation in sugar being higher while the acidity is more balanced. Accumulation in sugars allows the production of white table wines with geographical indication (Aligoté) or quality wines (Fetească regală).