Autochthonous and cosmopolitan grapevines varieties representa valuable source of germoplasm, which is particularly important for the breedingof the currently cultivated genotypes.Thestructural improvement of the national viticulturalassortment is supported by scientific research in the field of vine breeding, whose mission was and is to renew, diversify and increase the biological value of the vine assortment bycreating new qualitative and productive genotypes with superiorresistance todisease and stress factors, through both genetic engineering and clonal selection. The present paper contains the results obtained at the Research Development Stationfor Viticulture and Winemaking Iasi, referring to the agrobiological and technological characteristics of clonal elites selected from the populations of the varieties: Sauvignon blanc, Pinot gris and Cabernet Sauvignon. The clonal elites obtained, through the cultural and qualitative features for which they were selected, complementarily contribute to achievement of high quality grape productions.