The studying the long-term of vine germplasm, results in choosing the most valuable genitors and perform a variety of intra-and interspecific hybridisation with obtaining valuable new genotypes, tolerant to pests and diseases and resistanceto stressors. Of the many elite hybrid obtainedat S.C.D.V.V. Odobeşti, in 2014 was approved the elite hybrid 18-46 under the name ’Măgura’-variety for quality red wines obtained by hybridization sexual of variety Babească neagră with the hybrid combination (Merlot x Alicante Bouschet). The new creation is characterized by middle-sized grapes (175g), small to medium berry (3.3 g), colored in black-blue, rich in anthocyanins in both the skin and core. The average grape productionis 4.5 kg/vine or 16.6 tons/ha. It has a good resistance to the main cryptogamic diseases. The grapesreach maturityin the epoch IV. The wines obtained are extractive, intensely colored, tinctorial.