The aim of this paper is to analyze the causes that lead to the emergence of tornadoes in very low risk areas (Romanian territory) in the conditions of the climatic changes of the last 100 years.Thisextremely violent meteorological phenomenonisgeneratedby very specific metrology conditions which make the likelihood of their occurrence to be low. The relationship between the occurrence of tornadoes in tornado-free areas and global warming is still unclear. In the present paper we have made a comparative study to estabilished if the whether condition which generated the Facaeni tornado, in2002, was random occurrence or was generated by the warming of the atmospherein terms of climate change. The study is based on the analysis of the factors that generated the tornado, the geographic position, the climate of the region and the warming athmosphere over the last 55 years.Our analysis established that Facaeni tornado was EF3 intensity and representsa turningpoint in the study of tornadoes in Romania.