In the case of temporary teeth, a marked increase in all caries indicators was noted. Baby bottle tooth decay is a serious form of temporary teeth lesion that leads to rapid and accentuated tooth destruction.The studie scope is determining the Incidence and Etiopathogenic Algorithm in Baby Bottle tooth decay in Children.We proposed to characterize epidemiologically a heterogeneous group of 140 children 64 girls and 75 boys from 18 months to 5 years and to provide valid data on (number and location of BBTD lesions, general clinical aspects, data on rbirth and nutrition).In terms of nutrition, 99 babies with baby bottle tooth decay were artificially fed, 38 sucked mother brest; 110 of the children receive a sweetened night bottle, 90 babies prefer sweetened beverages. Dietary bottle feeding accurately increases the risk of bottle-feeding.No etiological study was able to demonstrate the unique cause of nipple caries syndrome.An effective preventive action, early introduced by professionals, parents and children, is required.