Chasmanthium latifolium (Michx.) Yatesbelongs to Poaceae family and is classified in category of ornamental grasses. The aim of the current study was to identify a suitable substrate for producing Chasmanthium latifoliumseedlings, as well as monitoring of its behaviour in the specific cropping conditions from Iaşi County, Romania. Experiment was carried out with fourdifferent substrates: V1–garden soil; V2–1 part peat + 1part garden soil; V3–2 parts peat + 1 part garden soil, V4–3 part garden soil + 1 part vermicompost.The obtained seedlings of Chasmanthium latifolia were grown in exactly the same field conditions. The best results for quality of seedlings were obtained at variant V4and cropping plants showed a very good adaptation at the pedoclimatic conditions from Iaşi County, Romania.