Romania's hydrographic network is 843710 ha, which represents over 3.5% of the total area of
the country.
In this paper are presented the quantitative and qualitative structure of the commercial fish
catches in the inland waters of Romania during the period 2008 - 2018. The natural water basins
constituting the national public domain and in which legal fishing takes place are: Danube, Danube
Delta, the complex lake Razim - Sinoie, reservoirs, Prut and Siret.
The processed data come from data reported by economic agents authorized to practice the
commercial fishing to the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture.
The catches recorded in continental waters from our country during the 2080 - 2018 period
varied as follows: the smallest quantity was registered in 2010 (2457 tonnes) and the largest
quantity was recorded in 2016 (3868.51 tonnes).
The main species captured in Romania's inland waters in the 2008 - 2018 period were the
following: prussian carp (41.74%), freshwater bream (11.66%), pontic shad (10.53%), roach
(6.77%), carp (5.46%), wels catfish (5.01%), pike-perch (4.28%), northern pike (3.88%).