Periodontal disease is a very common disease in dogs, with an incidence of 85%, which affects both the health
and the quality of life of the animals (Shearer, 2010, Kortegaard et al 2014). Dog periodontitis has become a priority
disease for both pet owners and practitioners. Taking in consideration the high incidence of the periodontal disease in
dogs and the fact that the clinical diagnostic is limited, the aim of this study was to highlight the role and importance of
imaging diagnostic tools such as Computed Tomography in the diagnostic of this pathology. The study was conducted
on 20 dogs (30% female and 70% male) with age from 1 year to 12 years. The patients were clinically examined and
after that were sedated and a radiographic evaluation and a CT scan of the head was performed. Classification of
periodontal disease take in consideration the retraction of alveolar bone and formation of periodontal pocket, retraction
of alveolar bone was visible on CT examination compared to radiographic examination in which the overlapping of bony
structures of the mandible and maxilla make the bone retraction less evident. Computed tomography examination is
more accurate than radiography, giving the possibility to evaluate all the roots of the teeth and bone retraction, and
come to complete the clinical evaluation.