dc.description.abstract |
In veterinary pathology, dermatopathies represent a challenge for the veterinarian due to the complex etiology and pathogenesis. More and more common, dermatological conditions have a diversity of clinical and evolutive aspects, which is why it is difficult to make a diagnosis of certainty and to establish a proper treatment. The aim of this study is to highlight the evolution of some dermatopathies by making a complete allergic investigation with an epidemiological investigation and a complex clinical examination, with an emphasis on the topical or systemic treatment used that has a favorable influence on the evolution of the disease. The clinical trial was conducted in a veterinary clinic, on 17 dogs in which 27 dermatopathies with different etiologies were diagnosed, treated and monitored. The materials and methods used consisted of: allergy investigation that provides information about the patient's situation; clinical examination consisting of evaluation of apparent mucous membranes, facies, attitudes, abnormal behavior, maintenance status, temperament, body temperature, pulse, cardiac and respiratory rate of the patient; complementary examinations: brushing, scotch-test, trichogram, cutaneous scarring, cytological exam, cutaneous biopsy, ultraviolet light exam, mycological examination, bacteriological examination, allergic tests, immunological tests, endocrine tests. Dermatopathies revealed a clinico-lesional pleiomorphism with the following manifestations: pruritus, alopecia, pyodermatitis, erythema, papules, crusts; which required a differential diagnosis and after performing the complementary examinations it was allowed the diagnosis of certainty. Of the 27 dermatopathies examined, 40.74% had bacterial etiology, 25.92% had micotic etiology, 18.51% had parasitic etiology, 11.11% had allergic etiology, 3.7% had other causes. Bacterial dermatitis has the highest occurrences with both superficial and deep pyoderma. To relieve pruritus it was used therapeutic baths with antiseboric and chlorhexidine shampoos, which provided body hygiene and completed the systemic treatment of superficial and deep pyodermatitis with bacterial and micotic etiology. The most effective treatment approach was achieved by combining both antibiotherapy, antipruritic therapy, topical antiparasitic drugs and dietary food, according to the established certainty diagnosis, the evolution being favorable. |
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