To evaluate soil water
consumption, changes in quantity and
quality of winter wheat seed and forage
under different irrigation treatments, an
experiment was conducted in Beijing,
China, in the 2012-2013. Irrigation
treatments were (I1): irrigation before
sowing, (I2): irrigation before sowing +
before freezing; (I3): irrigation before
sowing + before freezing + irrigation in the
beginning of erecting stage + irrigation at
flowering stage; (I4): irrigation before
sowing + irrigation before freezing +
irrigation at the booting stage + irrigation at
flowering stage. The laid out of experiment
was randomized complete block design,
repeated six times. The effect of irrigation
on total biological yield, grain yield and
harvest index is significant. The highest
mean soil water consumption in Oct., Nov.,
Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr. and May was
obtained for lysimeter 10 (I2), lysimeter 10
(I2), lysimeter 6 (I2), lysimeter 10 (I2),
lysimeter 10 (I2), lysimeter 10 (I2),
lysimeter 11 (I3), and lysimeter 10 (I2),
respectively. The results from the study
indicate that irrigation winter wheat
throughout the booting stage and flowering
stage increased grain yield, harvest index,
potassium percentage, ash percentage of
forage wheat at flowering stage, seed and
forage protein percentage.
Evapotranspiration trends increased
steadily, especially in last three months, in
which the lysimeter fields were covered by
winter wheat completely.