The advanced degree of wear of the irrigation system infrastructure determines the occurrence and maintenance of water
losses. The research was conducted in irrigation systems located in the eastern part of Romania and which have different
periods of operation, but all performed before 1990. The research highlighted the complexity of the process of degradation of
structural elements and the development of water loss. The structural degradation of the canals and pipes under the action of
natural and anthropogenic factors determined the appearance of water losses and, implicitly, the decrease of the hydraulic
efficiency. The research highlighted a degree of degradation of the supply and distribution channels of about 40-60%. An
important influence in the degradation action was the absence of maintenance and repair works. Significant water losses are
recorded in the pipelines. Their value reaches 18 - 27% of the transported flow, being determined by the wear of the material
and the aging of the components of the hydraulic installations. Water losses are of the visible, hidden and background type.
The use of European funds to rehabilitate irrigation systems requires reducing water losses.