Niger (Guizotia abyssinica
Cass) is an important minor oilseed crop of
hilly and tribal regions and it is used for oil
as well as for various other purposes only by
the tribal people. Therefore, a systematic
study was arranged to document about the
increase in the seed yield of niger crop in
relation to honeybees (Aphis mellifera), as a
pollinator in niger crop with paired plot
technique at the Niger Research Station
(NRS) at Navsari Agricultural University
(NAU) and at farmer’s field, Vanarasi,
Navsari, Gujarat (India) and also studied its
relation in terms of cost benefit ratio (CB).
The trial was conducted at Niger Research
Station (NRS), Vanarasi for 3 years (2013-
14, 2014-15 and 2015-16) and also at
farmer's field to ascertain the role and
involvement of honey bees (Aphis mellifera)
in swelling the seed yield of niger crop (due
to pollination) and its effect on income due
to increase in the niger seed yield.
Significant differences were observed for
number of capitula/plant, number of
seeds/capitula, 1000 seed weight and seed
yield in both the location for the consecutive
3 years. However, the seed yield and gross
returns were considerably higher in first
location of T1 Natural plot/ open pollinated
with beehive (Aphis mellifera) in all the
3 years data with the maximum seed yield
with the gross return was obtained in this