On interfluvial Podriga Bodeasa predominates soils with fine texture such as Vertisols and vertic soils. The presence of
these soils is associated with formation of the gilgai micro-relief consisting of small mounds and depressionsAlthough
the Eastern part of Romania gilgai micro-relief characteristic of the rivers plains with salinized soils. The gilgai microrelief was noted in the platforms of sliding slopes and valleys Podriga Bodeasa. Vertisols and vertic soil, associated
with gilgai micro-relief, strong shrink in dry season. After soil drying some vertical oblique and horizontal cracks are
forming. Non-uniformity of water distribution increase due to more intense evaporation of water in marginal areas
polyhedron bounded by cracks. Heterogeneity of moisture is evident in underlying horizons or the arable layer or under
soil layer resulted after self-mulching processes. One of the reasons given soil moisture heterogeneity even within the
same soil horizon is due to preferential water movement through fissures and cracks formed in the dry and hot season of
the year. After drying and contracting processes are changed compactness state of soil.Penetration resistance increases
considerably in marginal areas of polyhedron bounded by cracks. In the central area of polyhedron recorded the lowest
values of resistance to penetration.