The present paper aims the assessment of the edaphic potential of the pastures soils located in the lower basin of the
Chineja river, in the out-of-town of Tuluceşti commune, thus emphasizing the factors that led to their degradation, the
current productive potential of the soils and several ecological rehabilitation measures of the pastures to increase their
For each sample, the following parameters were determined: pH, CaCO3 content (%), total content of soluble salts;
humus content (%); total nitrogen concentration (%); mobile phosphorus and mobile potassium content (ppm); soil
texture; base cations sum, hydrolytic acidity; the degree of basic cations saturation; volumetric weight and nitrogen
index (NI%).
The processed data that were included in the soil analysis reports consisted of a physical and chemical assessment of
the mentioned ecopedological and agrochemical indicators values, the delimitation of land units, the land classification
and the reliability classes concerning the pasture use. After the results were obtained, a series of recommendations were
proposed on the ecological improvement of pastures.
In the studied area, there is a chernozems predominance with different degrees of surface erosion and also affected by
current geomorphological processes, erodic anthrosols and aluviosols. Overall, the areas occupied by pasture in the outof-town of Tuluceşti commune are characterized by a quality class and a suitability with severe limitations, which leads
to appreciable systematic decreases of production, hence requiring intensive improvement and amelioration measures.
From an ecological and economical point of view, in order to obtain a rich vegetation that provides the farmer with the
right amount of animal fodder and at the same time to improve the geographic landscape, through the applied measures,
it is necessary to raise the awareness of the pasture users concerning the sustainable management of natural pastures.